Nakamura Shikan (中村芝翫)

Shikan NAKAMURA is a Kabuki (traditional drama performed by male actors) actor's professional name. It was originally the haimyo (also known as haimei, a kabuki actor's offstage name which can be used officially and privately) of Utaemon NAKAMURA, and it is often used after Fukusuke and before Utaemon. It used to be the name of tachiyaku (a leading male-role actor), but it is the representative name of onnagata (a female-role actor) at present. Current Shikan NAKAMURA is the seventh. The stage family name is Narikomaya. The Jomon (family crest) is Gionmori (literally, charm of Gion-sha Shrine), and the Kaemon (alternate personal crest) is Ura-ume (reversed plum flower).

The colors of Shikan-cha (Shikan's red-brown) and Shikan-jima (Shikan's stripe) which the third Utaemon, a popular actor in the late Edo period, liked to use are the family color and family pattern of Narikomaya.

The chronological order of Shikan NAKAMURA

The first Shikan NAKAMURA: One of haimyo names of Utaemon NAKAMURA (the third).

The second Shikan NAKAMURA: An adopted son of the third. He later became Utaemon NAKAMURA (the fourth).

The third Shikan NAKAMURA: A son of the second Tozo NAKAMURA.

The fourth Shikan NAKAMURA: An adopted son of the second. He was a great actor called 'Dai-Shikan' (Great Shikan). Refer to the article of Shikan NAKAMURA (the fourth).

The fifth Shikan NAKAMURA: An adopted son of the fourth. His former name was Fukusuke NAKAMURA (the fourth). He later became Utaemon NAKAMURA (the fifth).

The sixth Shikan NAKAMURA: A son of the fifth. He later became Utaemon NAKAMURA (the sixth).

The seventh Shikan NAKAMURA: A grandson of the fifth and a nephew of the sixth. Refer to the article of Shikan NAKAMURA (the seventh).

[Original Japanese]